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Harbor Breeze Cruises has provided public seasonal whale watching cruises for the past 18 years. Our experienced captains offer a comprehensive narration. During the Gray Whale season, typically from December through April, our experienced staff will offer information about the characteristics of the Pacific Gray Whale and its annual migration from the Bering Sea in Alaska to Scammon’s Lagoon in Baja California, Mexico.
During the Blue Whale season, typically from May through November, you can expect to be educated on the Blue Whales’ characteristics, and other interesting facts.
Throughout the year along with Gray and Blue Whales you may also see Fin Whales, Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, Killer Whales (Orcas). Other wildlife frequently spotted are Dolphins including Common, Bottlenose, Risso’s, and Pacific White Sided.
Groups who have taken whale watching excursions with Harbor Breeze Cruises have found their experiences to be enjoyable and educational. Our whale watching cruises include informative commentary provided by experienced staff and on most cruises also a biologist from the Aquarium of the Pacific. We also frequently spot dolphins darting back and forth, playing with the boat, and jumping in and out of the water.
Comfortable accommodations aboard our ships include lounge areas where you may enjoy a snack or drink provided by our galley service. The ships also have lavatories and expansive deck areas for viewing and photography.
Group reservations may be made over the phone, purchased on our website by credit card, and we accept purchase orders too. We advise you to make your group reservations as early as possible as dates begin to fill up rather rapidly as the migration season approaches.
A Harbor Breeze Cruises’ whale watching trip is truly a memorable experience for all ages! Call for reservations or information. We’ll be glad to hear from you, and we’ll provide your group with the most comprehensive and informative whale watching cruise available. Come join the fun and excitement of viewing one of nature’s most incredible mammals.
Harbor Breeze Cruises - Long Beach Harbor Cruise from BVS on Vimeo.